As Paul Vallely writes in “The Education of Pope Francis,” the lead essay in our Summer 2016 edition, the bishop of Rome has made quite a stir in the name of social justice since his election three years ago. He has warned of growing income disparity, denounced “savage capitalism,” and admonished us that the hungry “ask for dignity, not for charity.” He has even waded into U.S. domestic politics. Commenting on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall between Mexico and the United States, Pope Francis exclaimed: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

In our Special Report: A Pope for the Poor, we take a close look at Pope Francis’s views on the impoverishment of man and his habitat. In cooperation with the Vatican, we are honored to publish “Our Common Home,” an extract from the pope’s 2015 eco-encyclical Laudato Si’ in which he delivers a strong call for protecting the environment, addressing climate change, and reversing a culture of waste.

Speaking of concern for the poor, Associate Editor Amir-Hussein Radjy caught up with French economist Thomas Piketty, who was in Cairo for the launch of the Arabic translation of his acclaimed treatise on economic inequality, Capital in the Twenty-First Century. In The Cairo Review Interview, Piketty explains how tax injustice is “threatening the basic social fabric.”

Other articles discuss issues of pressing interest in a summer of discontent. Mark Juergensmeyer assesses the prospects for the Islamic State group in “How ISIS Will End”; Jacques Sapir examines Europe’s ongoing political and financial crises in “Life and Death of the Euro”; and Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé, and Nonna Mayer profile the French National Front leader (and France’s future president?) in “Marine Le Pen’s Challenge.” In “The Fantasy of Disengagement,” Thanassis Cambanis argues that President Obama’s minimalist response to the Middle East crisis has undermined global security. Finally, in “The Death of Qandeel Baloch,” Rozina Ali surveys the continuing scourge of so-called “honor” killings in Pakistan after the murder of one of the country’s most popular social media stars.