A Surplus of Deficits

From a political economy perspective, there are four key forces working against the peace and prosperity of Middle Eastern and North African states. To defeat them, robust institutions are essential.

The Inflection Point

Reduced American focus on the Middle East going forward is just one of many changes with which Arab leaders will have to grapple in the coming years, and it is disorienting

Libya’s Political Stalemate

/ Tahrir Forum

Despite apparent progress toward a power-sharing agreement, Libya’s governing bodies still face problems of neutrality and representation that will hamper their ability to govern effectively.

On January 25, We Recall Beloved Egypt, and Ourselves

/ Tahrir Forum

January 25 is probably the most meaningful moment to recall the Arab uprisings of 2011, because it captures the dynamics within Egypt that ultimately shape sentiments and events across much of the Arab World. Egypt remains at once both iconic and foundational to the Arab World, in so many realms—politics, economy, culture, sports, religion, secularism, civil society, the role of the military, and, most importantly, citizen rights and the exercise of power in the public sphere.  » Read more about: On January 25, We Recall Beloved Egypt, and Ourselves  »

My Search for Tahrir Square

/ Tahrir Forum

Disillusionment with the January 25 revolution and what followed might be the first step towards a better, and more democratic, Egypt.

Egypt’s Leaderless Revolution

The January 25 Tahrir Square uprising raised high hopes for change after years of dictatorship. But the failure of revolutionaries to organize and unite doomed the prospects for democracy.