The Race for the World Trade Organization


The Cairo Review’s Nadeen Shaker interviews Abdel Hamid Mamdouh, a veteran trade expert with over 35 years of experience, about running to become director-general of the World Trade Organization, how trade will change in a post-COVID-19 world, and how can developing countries expect to recover.

Stopping the Spread: A Citizen’s Engagement

/ Essays

Africa is no stranger to recent outbreaks and therefore has a foundation to combat the coronavirus, but more must be done to ensure the informal economy is included in a comprehensive strategy to beat COVID-19.

When the Shooting Stops

The president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development highlights the bank’s commitment to supporting post-conflict nations in the Middle East and beyond

Europe: In Search of a Role

The European Union’s foreign policy since the Arab Spring has fluctuated between outdated economic initiatives and political misreadings; instead the EU needs more internal unity and a better understanding of needs in the Arab World

India’s Dream Jobs

/ Global Forum

Narendra Modi is prime minister of India because voters believed he could boost growth and deliver jobs. So far, he has succeeded in the first goal but failed dramatically in the second.