From Gaza to Regional War? – with Abdalhadi Alijla


What is the next step in the Gaza War now that an Israeli drone has killed a Hamas leader in Beirut? A spillover in Lebanon? The entire region? Europe? The United States has a role to play in preventing the war from escalating, but what if it does not intervene? Today’s episode is with Abdalhadi Alijla, Palestinian political scientist and rebel governance expert, who tells us more about the worst-case scenarios of the war on Gaza, and how the war’s objectives are slightly shifting.

Civil Marriage in Limbo

/ Tahrir Forum

In Lebanon, the recurring debate around civil marriage highlights the sectarian-patriarchal grip on personal status affairs and the state itself.

Saudi Brinkmanship in Lebanon

/ Tahrir Forum

Saudi Arabia’s recent moves against Hezbollah and the Lebanese government could end up weakening its own allies and further destabilizing the Lebanese political arena.

Will Lebanon Face its Immense Climate Change Dangers?

/ Tahrir Forum

An eye-opening report on climate change effects in Lebanon reveals the need for government to commit to save tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars over the coming decades, and prevent a further fracturing of society along wealth/poverty lines.

Lebanon’s Stalemate

/ Tahrir Forum

The turmoil in Lebanon seems destined to continue for some time to come. Nabeel Khoury explains Lebanon’s political stalemate, and why neither the protest movement nor the country’s political leaders can fix a failing state.