A Wiser U.S. Policy for Iran?

/ Tahrir Forum

As U.S.-Iranian tensions rise, the Trump administration should adopt a political-military strategy that will counter the causes and effects of Iranian aggression.  

Picking Up the Middle East Pieces

Donald Trump’s tough talk of defeating Islamic terrorists, ripping up the Iran nuclear deal, and barring Muslims from entering the U.S. suggests a sharp pivot in Middle East policy, but could be surprising continuity with Barack Obama’s approach to the region.

Iran’s Not-So-Radical Endgame in Syria

/ Tahrir Forum

For the first time, America has recognized Iran’s place at the negotiating table in resolving Syria’s civil war. Diplomacy between the two sides hinges on understanding what drives Iranian policy.

U.S. and Iran: Overcoming a Hard Legacy

/ Tahrir Forum

With the announcement of a nuclear deal in Vienna, a three-decade freeze in relations between the U.S. and Iran is beginning to break. A former American diplomat with a deep knowledge of Iran explains the way forward.